Green Walk 2019

An event organized by Steel Green International in collaboration to celebrate Nigeria’s Independence in diaspora held yearly.

Nigerians Celebrates Independence in Benin Republic

As we know, Nigeria gained her independence from Britain on the 1st of October 1960, so every year, the 1st of October never ceases to be a special day for Nigerians. Trust us Nigerians, there’s never a dull moment with us! In the republic of Benin, Nigerians who are majorly students studying in the country organize what they call “The Green walk”. This program was first introduced on the 1st of October 2015. There was a massive turn-up of not just students, but also Nigerian lecturers from all universities. The walk lasted for a couple of hours as excited Nigerians went all round Cotonou, with music playing and lots of dance going on, creating awareness about their celebration of their country’s Independence Day. The rally caught the attention of the Beninese so much that they decided to do the Green Walk annually as a way of celebrating Nigeria’s Independence Day in Benin republic. 


Fourth Edition of Green Walk

The walk Starts from LEBELIER to Cotonou Duex Cotonou Benin Republic.

Dont miss out on this Date OCTOBER 1ST 

Creating opportunity for networking, Patrotism and Inspiration.

Green walk

Proudly Sponsored by:


Tush World International


green walk vip polo
green walk hudder shirt

Customized Polo shirt available for order in either green or white color. Request for yours now while it’s still available. Contact any of the numbers to order yours +22998130984 and +22968262958.

green walk polo

Previous Event


Official Green Walk Song

green walk

Don't miss out

Fourth edition of the Green Walk, celebrating Nigeria’s Independence  in the diaspora, approved by The Nigerian Embassy in Benin Republic. It promise to be fun, educative, healthy and colorful. Fill the form below for a spot.

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