You are currently viewing Benin Republic Internet Configuration Setting for MTN Benin, Moov Benin and Glo Benin
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Benin Republic Internet Configuration Setting for MTN Benin, Moov Benin and Glo Benin

Benin Internet Setting for MTN Benin, Moov Benin

When you people travel to a new place most of the time the first things they want to do is to browse with their mobile device. with that been true so many people keep asking how they can manually configure their phone to browse. Sometimes they even go to the customer care service centers of their mobile operators to get their phone configured with Benin internet settings.

Although, not everyone faces this problem because some mobile phones automatically get configured by their service providers, simply by inserting the SIM card into the device.

So today, for the sake of those who need to do theirs manually, I’m going to show you how. All you need to do is to follow all my instruction carefully .

We will be working with 3 networks, MTN Benin and Moov Benin. As we all know, internet connectivity on MTN Benin and Moov has seriously improved over the past few months. This is because they both lunched 3G service on their network. So if you want to enjoy your browsing, I advise you get on these networks.

Okay let’s start

I’m going to start by telling you the function of each setting. The internet configuration settings are of 3 types depending on your device. They are;

Internet setting – This kind of setting doesn’t require an I.P address for connectivity only APN, and Port. It’s used mostly on sophisticated mobile devices.

WAP setting – This kind of setting works on all kinds of devices, and also uses all internet protocol setting like I.P, username, password, APN, port etc. it’s like an older version of Internet configuration settings.

Multimedia settings – This is MMS. It is the configuration that allows you to send multimedia message from one device to another.

Benin Internet Settings

MTN Benin Internet Configuration Settings


Name: – MTN internet

Username: – internet

Password: – internet


Homepage –

I.P:- leave blank

Port: – 8080 (in some case it doesn’t work remove it and leave the port option blank )


Name:- MTN WAP

Username – wapmtn

Password – wapmtn


I.P –

Port – 8080 (in some case it doesn’t work remove it and leave the port option blank )

Homepage –


Name – MTN MMS

Username – mmsmtn

Password – mmsmtn


Homepage –

I.P –

Port – 8080


Moov Benin Internet Configuration Settings

Internet Setting

Name: – Moov

APN:- moov

Homepage –

Username: – Moov

Password: – moov

I.P:- leave blank

Port: – leave blank

Moov MMS Setting

Name – Moov MMS

APN – mmsetbj

Homepage –

Username – mmsetbj

Password – mmsetbj

I.P –

Port – 8080

After setting up the internet, you will need data to start browsing. So to buy a data plan click here to view all plans

@Beninfo24/7 Is a Benin Republic information portal dedicated to providing relevant information to all to Africa and the world about the coastal city of republic of Benin. also know as Benin Info publish information on all aspects of Benin Republic such as politics, sports, education, lifestyle, places,travel business, carrier opportunities, entertainment, people and culture etc.