covid 19 corona virus and heart disease


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Disclaimer: The information below is based on our research and suggestions and should not be used as a standard medical treatment without further research and professional recommendation, Please note that this article contains affiliate links.

Researchers have been eager to identify any risk factors that contribute to the development of severe or lethal disease. Current clinical evidence points to diabetes as a major risk factor in addition to other comorbidities including kidney disease, heart disease, and lung disease. These Respiratory diseases in collation with (COVID-19) make the immune dysfunction and put the bearer in a risk state or likely eliminate.

covid 19 corona virus and heart disease
covid 19 corona virus and heart disease


Diabetes is a group of diseases that affect insulin production and use. diabetes can’t produce insulin. In some cases doesn’t produce enough insulin and insulin can’t be used effectively. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet and being overweight etc.

People in low- to middle-income countries are more likely to die of complications from diabetes.

Risk factors for diabetes include:

1. excess body weight
2. high blood pressure
3. older age
4. not exercising regularly
4. an unhealthy diet (Try this ??? Diet Plan)

While diabetes isn’t always preventable, you can control the severity of symptoms by exercising regularly and maintaining good nutrition. Adding more fiber to your diet can help with controlling your blood sugar. check recommended alternative diabetes treatment??? Here 

2. Ischemic heart disease or coronary artery disease is also known as CAD.

The deadliest disease in the world is coronary artery disease (CAD). Also called ischemic heart disease, CAD occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become narrowed. Untreated CAD can lead to chest pain, heart failure, and arrhythmias.

Although it’s still the leading cause of death, mortality rates have declined in many European countries and in the United States. This may be due to better public health education, access to healthcare, and forms of prevention. However, in many developing nations, mortality rates of CAD are on the rise. An increasing life span, socioeconomic changes, and lifestyle risk factors play a role in this rise.

Risk factors for CAD include:

  1. high blood pressure
  2. high cholesterol
    3. smoking
    4. family history of CAD
    5. diabetes
    6. being overweight
    Talk to your doctor if you have one or more of these risk factors.

You can prevent CAD with medications and by maintaining good heart health. Some steps you can take to decrease your risk include:

  1. exercising regularly
  2. maintaining a healthy weight
    3. Eating a balanced diet that’s low in sodium and high in fruits and vegetables
    4. avoiding smoking
    5. drinking only in moderation
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    coronary artery disease and other heart diseases Guided Treatment Program here

3. Asthma

No single cause has been identified for asthma. Instead, researchers believe that the breathing condition is caused by a variety of factors. These factors include:

1. Genetics
2. History of viral infections
3. Hygiene hypothesis,
4. Early allergen exposure

You can prevent Asthma with medications and by maintaining good heart health. Some steps you can take to decrease your risk include:

1. Mustard seed oil massaged into the skin to help open airways
2. Long term asthma medications
3. Rescue or first aid treatments
4. Coffee or caffeinated tea
5. Breathing exercises


4. Stroke

A stroke occurs when an artery in your brain is blocked or leaks. This causes the oxygen-deprived brain cells to begin dying within minutes. During a stroke, you feel sudden numbness and confusion or have trouble walking and seeing. If left untreated, a stroke can cause long-term disability.

In fact, strokes are the leading cause and Source of long-term disabilities. People who receive treatment within 3 hours of having a stroke are less likely to have disabilities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source reports that 93 percent of people knew sudden numbness on one side was a stroke symptom. But only 38 percent knew all the symptoms that would prompt them to seek emergency care.

Risk factors for stroke include:

  1. high blood pressure (bp treatment )
    2. family history of stroke
    3. smoking, especially when combined with oral contraceptives
    4. being African-American
    5. being female

Some risk factors of strokes can be reduced with preventative care, medications, and lifestyle changes. In general, good health habits can lower your risk.

Stroke prevention methods may include controlling high blood pressure with medications or surgery. You should also maintain a healthy lifestyle, complete with regular exercise and a healthy diet that’s low in sodium. Avoid smoking, and drink only in moderation, as these activities increase your risk of stroke.
Sign up for a Free coronary artery disease and other heart diseases Guided Treatment Program here

5.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term, progressive lung disease that makes breathing difficult. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are types of COPD. In 2004, about 64 million people trusted sources around the world were living with COPD.

Risk factors for COPD include:

  1. smoking or secondhand smoke
  2. lung irritants like chemical fumes
  3. family history, with the AATD gene being linked to COPD
  4. history of respiratory infections as a child

There’s no cure for COPD, but its progression can be slowed with medication. The best ways to prevent COPD are to stop smoking and to avoid secondhand smoke and other lung irritants. If you experience any COPD symptoms, getting treatment as soon as possible increases your outlook. Sign up for a Free coronary artery disease and other heart diseases Guided Treatment Program here

6.Trachea, Bronchus, And Lung Cancers

Respiratory cancers include cancers of the trachea, larynx, bronchus, and lungs. The main causes are smoking, secondhand smoke, and environmental toxins. But household pollutions such as fuels and mold also contribute.

Risk factors and prevention

Trachea, bronchus, and lung cancers can affect anyone, but they’re most likely to affect those who have a history of smoking or tobacco use. Other risk factors for these cancers include family history and exposure to environmental factors, such as diesel fumes.

Aside from avoiding fumes and tobacco products, it isn’t known if there’s anything else that can be done to prevent lung cancers. However, early detection can improve your outlook and reduce the symptoms of respiratory cancer.


7. Alzheimer’s Disease And Other Dementias

When you think of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, you might think of a loss of memory, but you might not think of a loss of life. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and interrupts normal mental functions. These include thinking, reasoning, and typical behavior.
The disease starts off by causing mild memory problems, difficulty recalling information, and slips in recollection. Over time, however, the disease progresses and you may not have a memory of large periods of time. A 2014 study found that the number of deaths in the United States due to Alzheimer’s may be higher than reported.

Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease include:

  1. being older than 65
  2. A family history of the disease
  3. inheriting genes for the disease from your parents
  4. existing mild cognitive impairment
  5. Down syndrome
  6. an unhealthy lifestyle
  7. being female
  8. previous head trauma
  9. being shut off from a community or having poor engagement with other people for extended periods of time.

There’s not currently a way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Researches aren’t clear why some people develop it and others don’t. As they work to understand this, they’re also working to find preventive techniques.

One thing that may be helpful in reducing your risk of the disease is a heart-healthy diet. A diet that’s high in fruits and vegetables, low in saturated fats from meat and dairy, and high in sources of good fats like nuts, olive oil, and lean fish may help you reduce your risk of more than just heart disease — they may protect your brain from Alzheimer’s disease, too.

8. Dehydration Due to Diarrheal Diseases

Diarrhea is when you pass three or more loose stools in a day. If your diarrhea lasts more than a few days, your body loses too much water and salt. This causes dehydration, which can lead to death. Diarrhea is usually caused by an intestinal virus or bacteria transmitted through contaminated water or food. It’s particularly widespread in developing nations with poor sanitary conditions.

Impact of diarrheal diseases around the world

Diarrheal disease is the second top cause trusted Source of death in children younger than 5 years. About 760,000 children die from diarrheal diseases each year.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for diarrheal diseases include:

  1. living in an area with poor sanitary conditions
  2. no access to clean water
  3. age, with children being the most likely to experience severe symptoms of diarrheal diseases
  4. malnourishment
  5. a weakened immune system

According to UNICEF, the best method of prevention is practicing good hygiene. Good handwashing techniques can reduce the incidence of diarrheal diseases by 40 percent. Improved sanitization and water quality, as well as access to early medical intervention, can also help prevent diarrheal diseases.

9. Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is the result of chronic or long-term scarring and damage to the liver. The damage may be the result of kidney disease, or it can be caused by conditions like hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. A healthy liver filters harmful substances from your blood and sends healthy blood into your body. As substances damage the liver, scar tissue forms. As more scar tissue forms, the liver has to work harder to function properly. Ultimately, the liver may stop working.


Risk factors for cirrhosis include:

  1. chronic alcohol use
  2. fat accumulation around the liver (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)
  3. chronic viral hepatitis
  4. Stay away from the behaviors that can lead to liver damage to help prevents cirrhosis.
  5. Long term alcohol use and abuse is one of the leading causes of cirrhosis, so avoiding alcohol can help you prevent damage.
  6. Likewise, you can avoid nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by eating a diet that’s healthy, rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in sugar and fat. Lastly, you can reduce the likelihood of contracting viral hepatitis by using protection during sex and by avoiding sharing anything that could have traces of blood. This includes needles, razors, toothbrushes, and more.
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