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How to deal with Health Anxiety (Hypochondria)

How to deal with Health Anxiety (Hypochondria)

How to deal with Health Anxiety (Hypochondria)

How to deal with Health Anxiety (Hypochondria)
Health Anxiety

How to deal with Health Anxiety (Hypochondria) in Benin Republic

Health anxiety is not a Sickness or disease. However, there are many diseases or sicknesses that can happen due to anxiety, which can lead to illness. There are some symptoms that may occur which may lead the person to illness.

How to diagnose health anxiety

To arrive at a health anxiety disorder diagnosis, your doctor will perform a physical exam to rule out any health conditions you’re concerned about. If you’re healthy, your doctor may refer you to a mental healthcare professional. They will likely proceed by:

  • performing a psychological evaluation, which involves questions about your symptoms, stressful situations, family worries, worries, and issues affecting your life
  • asking you to complete a psychological self-assessment or questionnaire
  • ask about your use of drugs, alcohol, or other substances

People who had been diagnosed with Health anxiety are mostly classified as:

Somatic symptom disorder: particularly when the person has symptoms that are perceived as distressing to them or if they have multiple symptoms

Illness anxiety disorder: if the person has no physical symptoms or only mild symptoms

Difference between concern for your health and health anxiety, let’s see the difference.

If you have feelings or have some symptoms of being ill, it’s normal to be concerned. Health anxiety is marked by the constant belief that you have a severe illness. You may become so consumed by worry that you are unable to stop the distress becomes disabling.

If you’re concerned about your health, the rational thing to do is see your doctor. With health anxiety, you’ll feel extreme distress about your real or imagined symptoms even after medical test results come back negative and doctors reassure you that you’re healthy.

This condition goes beyond having a normal concern for one’s health. It has the potential to interfere with a person’s quality of life, including their abilities to function daily, Create and maintain meaningful relationships, Stressful events, or situations.

How to deal with Health Anxiety (Hypochondria)
Causes of Hypochondria

What causes people to develop health anxiety?

Experts in the Benin Republic and other countries aren’t sure of the exact causes of health anxiety, but they think the following factors may be involved:

You’ve had past experiences dealing with real serious illness in childhood. So as an adult, the physical sensations you experience are frightening to you.

You have a poor understanding of body sensations, diseases, or both of these things. You may think that a serious disease is causing your body’s sensations. This leads you to look for evidence that confirms that you actually having a serious disease.

You have a family member or members who worried excessively about their health or your health.

Hypochondria most often occurs in early or middle adulthood and can worsen with age. For older people, health anxiety may focus on the fear of developing memory problems. Other risk factors for health anxiety include:

How to treat health anxiety?

Treatment for health anxiety (Hypochondria) involves psychotherapy, with medications sometimes added. Secondly, improve on your ability to function daily.


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