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Taking care of Aging people Kitchen

Taking care of Aging peoples kitchen in Benin Republic

*Taking care of Aging peoples kitchen in Benin Republic

Taking care of Aging peoples kitchen in the Benin Republic


As the stomach is important to the body so also is the kitchen important to the home, in everyday life, the kitchen plays a key role and is most often visited, it is also a place that can make several changes as members of the family ages and skills decline.

Therefore, arrange them carefully by making it spacious and harm-free for elderly ones to access anytime and whenever they feel.

Keep sharp objects at a lower rate in the kitchen, to avoid falling of objects from any angle, if the objects are still in use, cage every object where you would need them.

Aging peoples kitchen
Aging peoples kitchen

Heavy pots and pans are an accident waiting to happen most in people with arthritis or some disease that has to do with muscle loss, it might probably be difficult to lift heavy pots or pans especially if the pan is full of grease, which can easily ignite if spilled,  you can get products that can help like two-handled pans, it is easier for aging people to lift with more stability

Have more unbreakable utensils in the kitchen, Purchase non-breakable or stainless utensils for kitchen use. Some thoughtful When washing or cleaning some breakable utensils, it may easily slip from the hands and drop to the ground once it drops can cause possible damage.

It’s hard to clean broken glass and adding blood to mix would just worsen the situation, to avoid such incident and bondage of hands, buying plates that won’t break or crack if drops off will be better to use.

Dispose of expired food,

these food are more common to cause illness to the body is likely to eating contaminated, spoiled or toxic food, can cause ruining stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. when you notice or have an idea that the food in the refrigerator is rotting or expired, make it a point to remove and dispose of the unwanted product stuffing the fridge.

Kitchen properties should be kept low e.g our Aging parents may no longer be in a position to reach the top cupboards and you don’t want her to mount a step stool to try and reach the top cupboards, to avoid stretching and struggle to get things up there, range kitchen properties where it is frequently used and can easily be reached.

Taking care of Aging peoples kitchen in the Benin Republic

Sometimes hurtful incidents may mistakenly happen in the Kitchens. Fire accidents or slip and fall incidents can happen in the kitchen, therefore aging adults need to be aware of this danger and take precautions to avoid it from occurring by having a floor mat in the kitchen.

Lastly, have a fire extinguisher easily accessible. Make sure your senior knows where the fire extinguisher is and how to use it. If the fire extinguisher is in the back of the lower cupboard, it may be hard for those with limited mobility to access it. Place one or two extinguishers around the kitchen in plain sight to ensure they can reach and remember where it is.


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