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Keys to aging well

Keys to aging well in Benin Republic

Keys to aging well in Benin Republic

Keys to aging well in Benin Republic

Keys to aging well

*Keys to aging well in Benin Republic

A Lady called Susan Saunders was 36 years old and her mother had been diagnosed with severe dementia, she had a child, a baby, a full-time job as a television producer. As she dispatched her care to her family, she remembered when she was a teenager, her mother cared for her own mother, who had the same disorder and then she determined to do all she could to increase her chances of aging well.

Similar to Annabel Street, her grandfather died of cancer some months after he retired while she was a student. Later she watched her mother care for her grandmother, who spent almost 30 years struggling with dementia and debilitating rheumatoid arthritis. After she grew and had four children, she developed chronic autoimmune disorder knew the stuff needed to improve when she developed

Together, Saunders and Streets started researching the latest science on how to have a healthier, happier old age and how to apply it to their own lives. The research was conducted for 5 years, these were some of their research and secret to Good and Key to aging well.

Be Optimistic

Researchers have found that older people with a negative attitude to aging, have worse functional health, slower walking speeds, and lower cognitive abilities compared to those with a more positive attitude. Negativity, unsurprisingly, puts stress on the body, raises levels of cortisol, and has a long-term impact on the heart so, cultivate optimism attitude today.

Keep Learning

The brain loves novelty crafts, games, even cooking from a new recipe, all trigger the creation of neurons, but the more complex and more difficult the new activity is, the greater the rewards it gets. Choose something that often includes social interaction and a bit of movement, including music. Best of all, try learning complex new dance moves

Use Olive Oil

We think of olive oil as “liquid gold”, these are its benefits and aids to aging well, improved heart safety top of the list. Four and a half years ago, clinical trials involving 7,000 older adults at risk of heart disease showed that those consuming an olive oil-rich Mediterranean diet had 30 percent fewer cases of heart attacks and strokes, as well as improved lipid and cholesterol rates, and lower blood pressure. Olive oil consumption has links to a slowing of the progression of breast cancer! reduced bone mass loss, and better blood glucose control. It can be used to cook or dress multicolored vegetables.

Take a nap

A Nasa study found that sleepy pilots had a 45% improvement in performance and a 100% improvement in alertness after a short nap. But the key is to make the nap short (about 30 minutes). Studies consistently show that naps of over 90 minutes can be harmful to our health.

Keys to aging well
A Man having his nap

Read books

It’s still good to read 30 minutes a day. In the meantime, each expert seems to suggest reading as a way to get to sleep. Though reading is sedentary and solitary, reading frequently has been associated with longer, healthier lives, so it’s also the key to successful aging or aging well.

Build Muscle

Older adults who did twice-weekly strength training lived longer and had less illness than those who did not. We like rowing and weight-training for efficiency; we also keep pairs of weights near the kettle and the TV! and lift them if we have a few minutes to spare.

Walk Faster

Walking is good but it’s necessary to keep pace, Brisk walking has been linked to better memory, better health, and longer life, and Current researchers suggest that those walking early in the morning also make better decisions during the daytime, so consider swapping your morning commute for a robust walk.

Eat Fibre foods

It has been confirmed that the consumption of carbohydrates has a great impact on successful aging. The most successful agers are (ones that are disease-free for decades) also those that consume fiber more usually from fruit, wholegrain bread, and oats.

The researchers proposed two potential explanations for this: fiber enhances food digestion, thereby holding insulin rates in control, which in effect decreases inflammation (a primary aging trigger), and certain forms of fiber ferment in the body, creating short-chain fatty acids, which also dampen inflammation.

Fibre also helps reduce cholesterol levels, which in turn supports heart health! and lowers colorectal cancer risk by moving food through the gut quickly.


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