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Blood disorder, Types, Symptoms and Treatment in Benin Republic

Blood disorder, Types, Symptoms, and Treatment in Benin Republic

Blood disorder, Types, Symptoms, and Treatment in Benin Republic

Blood disorder, Types, Symptoms and Treatment in Benin Republic

*Blood disorder, Types, Symptoms, and Treatment in Benin Republic

A blood disorder is any condition that impacts one or more parts of the blood, usually interfering with its ability to work correctly. Most blood disorders take their name from the component of the blood they affect.

There are 3 types of blood disorder

  1. White blood disorder
  2. Red blood disorder
  3. Platelet Cells disorder

White blood disorder

White blood cells help the body fight infection. They begin life in the bone marrow and develop into different types of cells, each having a different immune purpose.

Types of white blood cell:

  • Neutrophils cell: It helps to fight bacteria and viruses
  • Lymphocytes cell: helps in killing viruses and controlling the immune system
  • Monocytes or Macrophages: Consumes dead or deactivated Viruses, champignons, and bacteria’s
  • Basophils and Eosinophils: helps the body respond to allergic reactions and help kill parasites.

Many white blood cell disorders affect all the various types of white blood cells in the blood, while other blood disorders may only include one or two particular types. In the various kinds of white blood cells, neutrophils and lymphocytes get infected most.

Blood disorder, Types, Symptoms and Treatment in Benin Republic
Symptoms of Blood Disorder

Signs of white blood cells disorder

The white blood cell disorder occurs if there is a reduction or rapid increase in the number of white blood cells that are circulating the blood. Mostly if there is a reduction of white blood cells, it causes

  • Repeated fevers and infections
  • Mouth sores
  • Lung infections that cause coughing and difficult breathing
  • Get sinus infections and a stuffy nose
  • Bladder infections may make it painful to pass urine

An increase in white blood cells may cause disease of bone marrow, causing abnormally high production of white blood cells or an immune system disorder that increases white blood cell production

Treatment of white blood cells disorder

  1. Medications that can stimulate white blood cell production in the bone marrow.
  2. Antibiotics, which are used to treat and prevent related infections.
  3. Stem cell transplantation (STC-30). Which can be used for curative therapy in most cases

 Red blood cell disorder

The role of red blood cell in the body is to carry oxygen from the lung to all the body tissues and to carry Carbon dioxide a waste product of metabolism, to the lungs, where it is excreted.

Types of red blood cells disorder

  1. Iron-deficiency Anemia’s— when the body has insufficient iron or is unable to process it properly.
  2. Anemia’s with vitamins deficiency— typically caused by insufficient dietary consumption of vitamins B-12 and folate
  3. Inherited hemolytic anemia— where red blood cells are abnormal and damaged in the bloodstream abnormally, either by accident, disease, or medications
  4. Inherited hemolytic anemia— where red blood cells break down or devastated quickly than the body can replace them

Signs of red blood cell disorder include:

Treatment for red blood cells disorder

Treatment depends on the cause but commonly includes:

  • blood transfusions
  • surgery
  • Stem cell transplantation (STC-30). Which can be used for curative therapy in most cases
  • Dietary changes
  • medications that stimulate the production of bone marrow and new red blood cells

Platelet cell

What is a platelet cell?

Platelets are tiny blood cells that help your body form clots to stop bleeding. If one of your blood vessels gets damaged, it sends out signals to the platelets. The platelets then rush to the site of damage. They form a plug (clot) to fix the damage.

Signs of platelet and clotting disorders include:

  • Difficulty forming blood clots at wounds or controlling bleeding
  • Injuries that are slow to heal or keep re-opening
  • Unexplainable bruising or skin that easily bruises
  • Unexplainable bleeding from the nose, gums, gastrointestinal system, or urogenital system


  • blood transfusions
  • corticosteroids to slow platelet destruction
  • immunoglobulins to block the immune system
  • surgery to remove the spleen in severe cases

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